Make This Festive Native Australian Flower Wreath

The festive season has arrived and I am so here for it. High on my list this year is to make a wreath; they are so gorgeous, nostalgic and cosy. I usually put ours on the front door, but we never see it or enjoy it so this year I decided to hang it above our outdoor kitchen. It has been the best decision because now we get to enjoy it all day long! It's no secret how much I love native Australian flowers, trees and plants (have you seen our garden?) and I knew I had to make a simple yet stunning wreath with native florals. Read on to find out how to make you own festive native Australian floral wreath.


  • A bunch of native Australian flowers, preferably in branches

  • Metal wreath ring - available at Lincraft, Spotlightand Choice Discount

  • Florist tape - available at Lincraft, Spotlight and Choice Discount

  • Scissors

  • 3 x 50cm ribbons

  • Raffia

  • Small 3M hook


How To

Place the ring on your work surface and play around with the flowers until you are happy with the design and how the flowers sit. Trim the stems if you need to. Consider the colours too. You don't need to create layers and layers of florals for this wreath; we're keeping it nice and simple.

Start securing the end of the stems to the ring using the florist tape. Then secure the middle and the top so the flowers curve along the ring. Repeat until the ring is completely covered. Don't worry if you can see some of the florist tape; it is green so it blends in and when you hang it, you won't even notice it.

Take one piece of ribbon and tie a bow around the wreath. Repeat with the other two pieces of ribbon. Refer to my photos for placement, but get creative - maybe tie four ribbons, or one big one at the bottom or the top of the wreath. It's up to you.

When the wreath is finished and you are happy with the design, thread a piece of raffia under the ring or through the back of a bow tie and tie a double knot to enclose it. Position your 3M hook on the wall, wait for 10 minutes or so for the adhesive to cure, and hang your gorgeous native floral wreath.

Ta daaaa! A festive native Australian flower wreath to enjoy at home.

This is one of the easiest, enjoyable and inexpensive DIY projects I've done lately. And if you don't want to use native Australian flowers, use what you have in the garden or see what your neighbour is happy for you to use as cuttings. If you want to buy greenery and flowers, support local growers where you can. And have a lovely festive season! 


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