DIY Christmas Ornaments: Folded Paper Star

This year I was really inspired to use materials I had at home make a lot of my DIY Christmas ornaments - paper, cardboard, toilet rolls and raffia are a few of the materials I have been using. To me, there is no greater satisfaction that repurposing what you have at home, getting creative and crafty, and making something absolutely gorgeous. That's why I am excited to show you how to make your very own Folded Paper Star Christmas ornament! After seeing in a magazine some paper folded ornaments using wrapping paper, I knew I had to give it a try and put my own spin on it. Last year I bought two All Wrapped Up wrapping paper books from Berkelouw Bookstore in Eumundi. The prints in each book are designed by artistsEdith Rewa and the other is byAlice Oehr, and they each have a really strong Australiana theme - my fave. I knew these beautiful pieces of wrapping paper would be perfect to try my hand at folded paper Christmas tree ornaments! Read on to find out how you can make your very own Folded Paper Star ornaments.


  • Paper

  • Pen

  • Ruler

  • Scissors

  • Hot glue gun


How To

1. Assemble the materials. Measure and cut five triangles with the paper. The triangles can be equilateral or isosceles, it really doesn't matter. The size I generally used was 18cm at the sides and 15cm at the bottom.

2. Fold accordion pleats starting from the bottom of the triangle. The taller the triangle, the more pleats you'll be able to fold. Fold the pleats approximately 1cm to 1.5cm wide. Stop folding the pleats approximately 5cm from the tip of the triangle.

3. Trim the tip of the triangle off using scissors.

4. Fold each piece in half and glue the middle sections together.

5. Glue the inside fold of each piece of folded paper together.

6. Glue the sides of each piece of folded paper together and as you will see, the shape of a star will come together.

7. Punch a hole through the top of the folded paper ornaments and thread a piece of raffia through. Tie the raffia ends in a double knot and cut of any excess raffia.

Ta daaaaa! 

How stunning are these Folded Paper Stars! I love that you can get creative and use any paper you have at home, as well as create stars as large or as small as you like, add more or less points on the star, and use them as Christmas tree ornaments and Christmas tree toppers. If you haven't already, make sure you take a look at my Folded Paper Circles as well. These are equally as easy to make and so, so beautiful on the Christmas tree. You could even use these folded paper ornaments as decorations on Christmas gifting! 


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