Upcycled Arch Mirror - Using A Pool Noodle!

Coming to you today with a cute upcycle that started at my local tip shop, came to life in a swimming pool and ended right here. Last week I found a little arched framed mirror at the tip shop and while I didn't have an idea in mind, I picked it up anyway. It was only $5 and I knew I would find a way to upcycle it. Later that day I was swimming with the kids who were playing with pool noodles and an idea struck - what if I framed the mirror with a pool noodle wrapped in fabric? I had bought a bunch of fabric a while ago for a few projects I have in the works, including a gorgeous off-white corduroy. I knew the colour, thickness and texture would be perfect for this project. And as they say, the rest is history. Read on to make your own upcycled arch mirror using a pool noodle.



  • Frameless mirror. If your mirror has a frame like I did, remove it.

  • Pool noodle. Depending on the size of your mirror you may need a few.

  • Scissors

  • Pen

  • Thick fabric

  • Hot glue gun

  • Painters tape


How To

Measure the pool noodle around the mirror on the ground - don't do this on a table as you won't get the measurements exact. Mark with a pen and cut the pool noodle to size depending on the shape of your mirror. You will be gluing the pool noodle onto the mirror, so make sure you measure with the noodle on the mirror and not on the side/edges of the mirror. 

Cut the fabric to size so it meets in the middle; avoid the fabric overlapping too much. Make sure there is enough fabric on the ends to push it into the middle of the noodle when you are done gluing. Glue one side of the fabric onto the noodle using the hot glue gun. 

Start from the middle, pull the remaining fabric around so it's tight but not too tight and glue it onto the noodle. Repeat as you work along to the end of the noodle and repeat with the other side.

Push the ends of the fabric into the ends of the noodle. Repeat all the steps with any other pieces of noodle you are covering with fabric.

Glue the pieces of the fabric covered pool noodle onto the mirror. Work in small sections and hold the noodle in place firmly until the hot glue has cured and dried. If you move too quickly, the hot glue wasn't have time to set and it'll come unstuck. Glue in-between the noodles too, where they intersect and apply the painters tape to hold the noodle in position while the glue dries and fully sets.

Hot glue dries quickly, but I don't think it hurts to leave the painters tape on for about an hour or so. When you're ready, carefully remove the tape off the noodle and mirror. And then it's done!

Ta daaaa! A fun way to upcycle any mirror in your home!

What I love most about this upcycle is that nobody will know you used a pool noodle (a POOL NOODLE guys) to frame a mirror.  Even better? You can recreate this upcycle with any shaped mirror and use other fabrics such as velvet, thick linen or cotton! Now I am wondering what I'll make next with pool noodles? I think I can forecast a bed head in my neat future (hint hint!). 


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